Sunday, May 31, 2009

Baby Showers

Our baby (and Jason & I) has been blessed to have 2 baby showers thrown for him/her! It was good to see everyone since we hadn't been able to see many of the people who attended for quite a while and we got lots of things that we will be using before long! We didn't have anything and now thanks to our awesome friends & family we are ready for the baby...we have a lot of stuff in the room anyway. Thanks to everyone who was able to make it or sent gifts- they are all appreciated!! Due to a camera that doesn't always cooperate my pictures are limited from these events.

Our first shower was back in April (I know I am slow). Jessi, did an awesome job of putting this shower on and we had a great cake made by Kayla- yum! Stephanie was going to take pictures for me, but she didn't get any :(...because my batteries were dead. We got tons of gifts, including a pack-n-play, our diaper bag, a baby carrier, bouncy seat, some toys, and lots of diapers & wipes. At the end of the shower, guests had to decorate a onesie for the baby before the got a piece of cake so we got some really cool homemade onesies too. They were different sizes so we will be able to display the guests’ work for a while!

A few of the homemade onesies

Our second shower was put on by Megan & Leslie a couple of weeks ago. Again, they did an awesome job and the cake was delicious, made by Megan herself. I did get a few pictures from this shower, but they didn't turn out the best so I'm only posting a few. Anyway, lots of great gifts again, instead of a card many guests brought a book to help start a library for Baby Pollard so we got a number of books, our travel system, high chair, toys, more diapers & wipes, blankets, and clothes. Everyone got to play a game where they reached in to a paper sack, felt the object (baby related), and guessed what the object was. At the end I got to do this in front of everyone, I actually surprised myself and knew quite a few of them.

The sheep cake Megan made, super cute!

Megan, me, & Les in front of all the gifts
Me & the Grandmas
Thanks Jessi, Megan, & Leslie! We have all of the baby things back in the baby's room and it actually feels like we are getting closer to being ready, we better be I guess! Leslie is letting us use the baby bed and changing table her kids used and I'm sure once we get it put together it will look great and I will share pictures, but for now it is boxed up in the garage. Trust me; it is on our list of things to get done and getting closer to the top! It’s not June yet- I know it will be tomorrow!

1 comment:

Megan said...

We had fun planning the shower. You all received lots of great gifts. Now, I'm trying to gather all our baby things for you to borrow so you can take them home this weekend! :) See you soon!