Friday, December 19, 2008

Good News

I just talked to Jason and after talking with his boss this afternoon he will not be working on Wednesday or Friday next week (even though the business will be open). Luckily, his boss was generous enough to let him have those days off even though he doesn’t have any vacation days to use. We are very thankful that we will be able to travel back to MO on the 23rd and be back the entire weekend! We will be leaving after Jason gets home from work Tuesday night and arrive in MO around 2 am! I am home from work for the day and only have to go back for my Christmas party on Tuesday next week from 8-2 so I am done with work for the year! Yippee!!

By the way, for those of you not already counting only 5 days till Santa Clause comes! I had a phone call this afternoon to remind me- thanks Andi!! But I may be even more excited with the countdown of 4 days until we leave for MO!!!

We are expecting blizzard conditions this weekend so we will probably be stuck at home. Oh well, I think I will spend most of my time packing and getting ready for our trip home anyway!

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