Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Mother's Day Weekend

I am a little slow this month and am just now getting Mother's Day weekend on the blog. I promise I will eventually get caught up! Jason & I took a vacation day on that Friday and headed back to Missouri Thursday night for the final weekend of Missouri's spring turkey season. Thankfully it worked out that Jason was able to hunt with his brotherFriday and Saturday. Friday night we got to see Jason's family for Mother's Day at his mom & dad's house. Saturday night everyone was at my mom & dad's and we surprised mom with her present, a swing to go with the frame she has had as long as I can remember! Sunday we were able to visit both sides of my family in Middletown and see my grandparents and most of my aunts, uncles, & cousins.
Jason's MO bird Jason & Allison playing outside Jessi & Andi skipping the fruit tray and going for the leftover icing!

1 comment:

may said...

cool turkey. great photos!