Friday, March 28, 2008

Pollard Family Easter

Saturday morning we got up early to get ready and head back to Missouri for the weekend. Jason & I normally have a hard time getting up for work, but I got up in time to make cheesecake brownies before we left at 6 am. We had three puppies to deliver over the weekend so we loaded them up for the drive. They weren't too bad, but then again I slept most of the way on Saturday morning. We got to Shelbina for Pollard Easter with Jason's family. Everyone was able to be there including Grandma Cile. Lola fixed a great lunch and then Jason & Justin hid eggs for the kids to hunt. Later we went with Justin, Megan, Les, & Chase to see a cabin that Justin has been working on. We had a good time hanging out with the family and the puppies got spoiled a little on their way to a new home.
Ed holding one of the puppies. I think he misses not getting to play with them.Allison wasn't real sure about them, but she got warmed up and played with them a little. Getting ready to hunt eggs. It was cold outside that afternoon!
Chelsey hunting eggs. I told Jason she was definitely his neice because she is always hamming it up for the camera just like him!
Allison hunting eggs.
Allison checking out her candy & eggs with Megan's help Jason & I with Grandma Justin, Megan, Allison, and almost due baby Pollard with Grandma Leslie, Chase, & Chelsey with Grandma. (She got lots of pictures taken that day!) The Pollard Family

1 comment:

Megan said...

We're glad we got to spend time with you over the Easter weekend. As for the Easter eggs you and Jason made, Allison and I loved them! They were beautiful and delicious! :)