Friday, November 5, 2010

Hospital visitors

Yesterday Lane was lucky enough to have all 4 grandparents and his big brother visit him in the hospital.  Kale was excited to see Lane, I think because he was something new because his interest didn't last long and before long he was off wandering/running around the rest of the room trying to get into everything else.  I think all the grandparents approved of Baby Lane and we are thankful they were able to visit and enjoyed the company!
Papa Harold & Grandma Mari

Daddy & his boys

Kale checking out his baby brother

Our first family of four picture

Kale wondering who that kid is and why he's in the picture

Papa Ed & Grandma Lola

Daddy & Lane

Mommy & Baby Lane

Baby Lane- 1 day old

Our balloons & flowers from the Belts

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