Sunday, November 7, 2010

First Day at Home

After a good night of sleeping in our own bed  we had our first day at home on Saturday.  It started with the boys & me making a quick trip back to Springfield for some bloodwork for Lane to check for jaundice.  While at the hospital we got a call that Leslie & Chelsey were coming over to visit so after a quick stop by the mall we headed home to hang out with them.  It was nice to have company since Jason was at work and Kale loved the extra attention!  He even got to play outside with Chelsey :).  Jason made it home in time for supper so he got to see Les & Chelsey before they headed back to MO and Kale got some dad time before going to bed. 
Chelsey & Baby Lane

Aunt Leslie

Kale holding Baby Lane

one of many kisses :)

cousins :)

Kale loves Baby Lane

Lane in his Halloween pajamas

the boys in their matching jammies...the best picture I could get that night


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