Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Belts Visit

Last week the Belts were finally healthy and able to come visit us :)  We were excited for Jessi, Andi, TJ, & Cooper (we missed you Travis) to come over the day and bring us lunch- thanks so much!  And lucky for Lane, Aunt Jessi brought over some of TJ's baby clothes as well as a present of some new clothes of his own so we now have some long pants for the poor kid to wear!  Kale wasn't left out and got a little gift of his own...a little trash truck- thanks Belts- he loves it :)  Today we were stopped at a stoplight next to a real trash truck and he got excited about it.  Anyway, we had a great visit- Lane & Kale loved the extra attention of course and it was good to see my big sister and the kiddos :)  I didn't take many pictures, I guess with 5 kids and a lot to talk about there wasn't much time for the camera...but here are some that I did get. 

Getting kisses from Cooper...Jessi got to hold Baby Lane for a little bit - with direction from Andi :)

Andi with Baby Lane

TJ & Lane

TJ lovin' on Lane

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