Sunday, April 3, 2011


Wow, this year has been flying by!  I can't believe March is already over.  I'm sure April will fly by just as fast as we try to figure out living arrangements, moving plans, and celebrate some birthdays & Easter during this month. 
 Since the boys were all dressed up (with fresh haircuts) we took some pictures after church.  I wanted to take some before church, but of course we didn't have time and Lane was crabby! 
 So, here are the best of my attempt to get the boys to look & smile at me at 12:30 (before lunch)...not good timing, for Kale especially, but he did pretty good :). 
 The weather was great today, windy, but otherwise awesome.  Jason got home right after naps & we spent the rest of the afternoon outside.
Hopefully we don't get the storms the weatherman has been talking about and it stays nice for awhile!

1 comment:

Jessi said...

LOVE the haircuts! What big boys you have!! I guess that's only right though since my "Baby Brody" doesnt even hardly look like a baby anymore!! Can't wait to see you guys and get all those handsome kids together for a picture and some playing!!