Sunday, April 3, 2011

We're Moving!!

We are super excited that Jason took a new position with CPS and we are moving to Missouri!  We have a contract on our house and the closing date is May 12 so we have less than 6 weeks left in this house.  We will finally be residents of Missouri again!  Yay for moving closer to family (most anyway, sorry Kyle), new drivers license (no more MN!) and of course, cheaper hunting tags :)  We are planning on living in Shelby County and will be moving there after we close on our house.  Jason will be working in Illinois for a while longer (July) so it may be tricky at first, but we are happy we are finally moving "home". 

1 comment:

Jessi said...

We are so excited that you guys will be living in MO and that we will all be Raiders together! :)

PS- you guys should win an award for fastest time listing and selling a house! ;)