Monday, March 14, 2011

Caught up!

After a long week & weekend I am slowly getting caught up.  Kale & Lane have been sick this past week, thankfully it happened after Jason got home from his fishing trip!  After several loads of laundry, some breathing treatments, and a round of steroids they are better (or getting there anyway).  We didn't go anywhere this weekend- not even church and last night was the first night in what seems like forever everyone slept all night.  Both boys are taking extra long naps right now.  I'm hoping that means they really are feeling better!  After I finish the 8 loads of laundry that I have been putting off and get the dishwasher unloaded & loaded I really will be all caught up (until tonight)- yay!  Minus the fact we have no food left and I need to go grocery shopping.  Oh well, I think we will survive another night without bread & tea. 

I am even caught up with the blog (for now) so enjoy the pictures and I promise I will do better (I hope). 
I think that is one of the best feelings ever- now if the dryer would just hurry up!

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