Sunday, October 10, 2010

Great weather days!

The last couple of weeks we have enjoyed the cool, dry weather. With a steady harvest we are lucky Jason still makes it home before dark most nights and only has to work until noon on Saturdays {so far anyway}. We finally put up some fall decorations around the house and one night we headed out to get some corn stalks. Kale played in the field while Jason cut the stalks down and I took some pictures :)
I found an ear :)
why can't I have the cob too?!?
fine, I'll just play with this
getting water for Daisy
this is what happens on the weekends with Jason dresses Kale :)
trying to keep up with daddy - going to take care of Daisy and burn some sticks
there must have been something across the street that was really cool
to Kale anyway
playing football {before the lawnmower got ahold of it}

1 comment:

Megan said...

Cute, cute, cute!!! I love Kale's facial expressions! Man, I love that kid!