Tuesday, August 24, 2010

State Fair 2010

This year we had a great time at the Missouri State Fair! We missed the market lamb show & wether dam show this year, but thank goodness that also meant we missed the hottest days of the fair! We got to Sedalia in time for the second half of the 4-H breeding stock show on Saturday and stayed through the Open Southdown Show on Wednesday! We spent the time getting sheep ready, taking naps {the boys anyway} at the camper, showing, and we even got to walk around the fairgrounds a little. One of the highlights was getting to see all our "sheep family" and camping with family. Kale also loved being outside almost all day everyday.
Hanging out at the camper coloring while waiting for our picture chillin' in the camper
show day
flock picture- thank goodness Mom & Kyle made it back for the show Pollard Family
Belt Family
"Eckler" grandkids
Finally home and unloading the truck
playing in the water

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