Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Rhett

Saturday after Jason got home from work we left for Rhett's Birthday Party! It was his 2nd birthday with a Curious George theme. Since we got a late start we missed the opening of most of the gifts, but got to see the "big one" delivered. He got a tricycle! After gifts everyone enjoyed cake & ice cream. Megan made a super cute cake. I didn't get any good pictures though so you will have to check out her blog. We had lots of fun and Kale had a great time playing with everyone, especially Uncle Justin. Kale missed his afternoon nap because he was too busy on the drive home so we got to hang out until he started crashing. I think he was asleep before we even got backed out of the drive.
The birthday boy with his new tricycle
Kale catching a ride eating some cake & ice cream

Chase sneaking Kale some ice cream

Rhett crashed, but got right back on
Rhett went outside to play and Kale jumped on his new tricycle for a ride

getting a ride on the car from Uncle Justin

Allison reading Kale a book

1 comment:

Megan said...

We were so happy you all were able to make it to Rhett's birthday party! He loves his tractor, too! The kids were thrilled, as well. Any time spent with their cousin is great! :)