Friday, July 31, 2009

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

Kale will be 6 weeks old tomorrow and he is changing so fast! A little over 2 weeks ago during "tummy time" Kale got pretty mad and rolled over to his back. I thought it was a fluke and didn't tell anyone, but he did it two more times the next night and has done it a few more times since then. Almost every time we put him on his stomach he flips himself over! He hasn't made any attempts to roll from his back to his belly though- why would he though since he obviously doesn't really like to be on his stomach?!? We don't have a video camera, but I finally took some "action" shots of Kale doing his little trick a few nights ago.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

One Month Checkup

Today we went to the doctor for Kale's one month checkup. He is doing great and growing like crazy and the doctor confirmend that today. Everything looked good and our little guy now weighs 8 pounds 11 ounces and is 21 1/2 inches long. Yes, he has gained more than a pound & a half since going to the doctor exactly one month ago. What a healthy boy!

I took some more pictures this morning before the doctor and thought I would share a few so everyone can see how much he is changing!

Wide awake for the first pictures
He just couldn't stay awake- I guess I am just too slow!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

One Month

Kale Alan
one month old

It is hard to believe that it has already been one month since Kale was born. He is a pretty good baby so far...the best we have had so we can't complain :)! He is really growing and changing everyday. We go to the doctor later this week so we will see just how much he is growing. He is starting to like his baths more, but still doesn't love them. His bouncy chair is one of his favorite places to be other than in the recliner with his daddy. He is great at traveling and doesn't mind his carseat too much. He doesn't really like to be in it unless we are moving. We wait until the last minute to put him in the carseat and try to load him and leave right away to avoid the crying that is sure to follow if he sits still in it for too long!

He keeps us pretty busy and I know I definitely slacked off on the posts as of me, I am not going to go this long again if I can help it. I worked on these updates throughout the day, after Jason got home, and now that Jason & Kale have both been in bed for 1 1/2 hours I am trying to finish up!

Here are a few pictures of Baby Kale

hanging out in his bouncy chair last week
Asleep in his chair
sitting in his daddy's recliner waiting for him to get home from work

Monday, July 20, 2009


Kale & I have been able to go to 3 different fairs so far this summer. We headed to the Shelby County Fair on July 9th to watch the sheep show and got to watch Callie, JT, Kelly, Alicia, Corbin, & Preston show. They all did a great job and Corby won Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb.
Kale at his first sheep show
Kelly showing one of her lambs
Callie showing
Market Lamb class with JT & Corby showing
Corby showing one of his lambs

Corbin with his plaque and reserve champion lamb...I didn't get a good picture of the lamb

On July 13th we headed to our second show of the season and the first one where Kyle showed. Kyle had a good night and ended up with Supreme Champion Ram with Bubba and Supreme Champion Ewe. I didn't get many pictures that night...I picked a bad spot in the stands.
Kale slept the entire time...he has been great at the shows so far
Cooper hanging out before the show started
Kyle with Bubba
Crossbred Yearling Ewe

The show ended about 9:30 and Pizza Hut was already closed so we got Casey's pizza and ate in the bleachers at the fair...yummy!

This past Saturday we headed to Troy for the Lincoln County Show. It was a really nice day- what a change from the heat we are used to at the shows!
Kyle & Elisa showing weather dam ewe lambs
Jason & Kale watching the show
Andi helping Kyle show...looking to see if she is doing it right


After the show we took a number of pictures in front of the fair backdrop
Andi with Jaleigh
Cooper, TJ, Kale, & Andi
Pollard Family
Kyle & Kale
Cooper & Kale
Kyle with his niece & nephews
lil farmer TJ
Jessi, Kyle & me

Happy Birthday Quin!

It is so nice to be closer to northeast Missouri! We were able to attend Quin's birthday party a few weekends back (I'm slow to post things). It was Kale's first birthday party and he slept through the entire thing and woke up as we were getting ready to leave. Everyone had a great time- Katie sure does throw a mean party :)!!
Kale with his Great Uncle Heath
The birthday boy opening his presents
Quin hitting the piñata
Conner taking his turn
Eating candy from the piñata
Getting ready to blow out the candles
Great Grandma Barb
All the kids at the party
Great Grandpa Tom

Eckler Boys Visit

One day when we were at mom & dad's the Eckler boys came up to work with their lambs. They then helped with chores and as Preston would say "had fun".
Finishing up chores

The next pictures are mostly of the "having fun" part...I thought Katie should see what the boys were really doingPreston got out the pogo stick and was pretty goodHe wasn't the only Eckler "boy" to try it out

Uncle Harold had to prove he could jump on it
then Uncle Heath proved he was cool too
Corby trying his hand at it
Quin made friends with Lucky and showed us all his teeth