Thursday, June 4, 2009


Last night we finally started painting. Jason had taped most of the den already hoping to work on that over the weekend, but decided to put it off so he could be outside and help weed on Sunday. It was a late night, but we got the den finished- 1 room down and we haven't decided how many to go...however many we can get done before the baby I think.

All ready for the paint

This wall of the kitchen connects to the den and got painted tooStarting to paint and loving all the pictures already

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'One wall done!! It's getting late...Kitchen wall in progressAll done Still in a good moodI decided my job while Jason was painting would be to go through the boxes in the garage...this is everything that has been boxed up since we left Illinois last year...I found some stuff I had forgotten about and things we have been looking for for the last 10 months!

more boxes in the garageThis is the picture of my progress...I'm not sure how much I made, but I got almost all the boxes opened and looked in. Hopefully, we will get more of them unpacked once the rooms get painted

Jason got home early again tonight so we decided to move onto the living room...Before pictures Starting room #2 Happy painting 2 nights in a row!?!

Room 2 is still in progress so I will get more pictures posted later. Part of our furniture will be delivered Monday so I should have after pictures of the den soon too. Yay- we are finally getting moved in!! We don't have a delivery date on everything so who knows when it will arrive. I just hope it gets here before the baby!


Jessi said...

Yeah! Dang-he looks like a great painter and happy to boot!!

Love the color and it seems like you are getting these checked off your list at a good pace. Now how about that baby bed?

Megan said...

Looks great! Not much longer...I hope you (really, Jason) makes a lot of progress before baby!

We can't wait to see you this weekend! Drive safe! :)