Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Allison!

Last weekend we headed back to Missouri for Allison's 4th birthday party. Jason got off work at noon so we both were able to make it back (a little late) for the festivities! Allison had a Belle birthday party and tons of family & friends there to celebrate with her. We got to enjoy the new deck that Justin built and share in cake & ice cream after watching the princess open her gifts.

Earrings for her newly pierced ears! A softball & bat A life-size Barbie with her very own Belle dress Blowing out the candles The Belle cake- made by Megan Rhett playing with the balloons outside One of Allison's gifts was some pretend makeup. She & Parker had a good time "fixing" eveyone's hair & makeup

1 comment:

Megan said...

Great pictures! I especially love the last 2! We were very happy the two of you could make the trip to help celebrate Allison's birthday.

Now if it would only stop raining long enough so she can use her ball and bat and golf set!