Saturday, November 1, 2008

My Birthday

The weekend before my birthday we finally were able to watch the Tigers play on TV, only to witness them losing to OSU. The next afternoon, both of us in better moods we headed to Mankato to do some shopping and eat out for my birthday. We went to the mall and a few other places around town- we didn't buy much, but we ate at Buffalo Wild Wings- Yumm!!! We ate at BWW last year for my birthday too..hmmm...maybe a tradition is beginning! My actual birthday was on Tuesday and I got to go to North Dakota State University with a couple of guys from work for a career fair and do some recruiting for Monsanto! It was a fun, but long day- we left at 5:30 that morning and I didn't get home until after 8:30. Thanks for all the phone calls, cards, and birthday wishes from everyone! Jason got me a bag of candy corn and some gloves to go along with the mp3 player I got over the weekend when we were in Mankato. I guess to keep me warm in the winter- getting my winter layers on- right Justin!?

The following day I received roses, from Jason & my boss. The rotary was selling them and my boss ordered them for me and the other two girls at work and convinced Jason to order a dozen for me too. After I brought them home Jason told me he hadn't paid my boss yet and wondered if I could pay him the next day at work- so technically I guess I bought myself a dozen roses. Either way they were beautiful!

1 comment:

Megan said...

WOW! I love the roses...maybe he should have a talk with Justin! ;) Your shirt is really cute, too! I'm glad you had a good birthday!