Saturday, November 1, 2008

MO visitors

The first weekend of October Jason's mom, dad, aunt, & uncle drove up for a visit. On Saturday we drove to the cities to the Mall of America- we spent most of the day there and could have stayed longer, but we wanted to get back in time to watch the MU/Nebraska game! Not many purchases were made, but plenty of stores were visited. The highlight of the afternoon was quite possibly riding the log ride at the Nickolodeon theme park in the middle of the mall. I really thought since it was Nickolodeon the rides would be more for little kids, but I let out a loud scream and we all had a blast on it- and only got a little wet.

It seems like every time I want to take pictures I either forget my camera or the batteries go dead. Well, of course the batteries went dead and I had to quickly turn my camera on and shoot these pictures. I wish I could have gotten more- maybe a new camera for Christmas would solve my problems!

We ate lunch in the food court on the third floor- This is Ed near the railing with part of the theme park behind him.

Jason & his dad by a racecar in front of the Nascar store.

Sunday afternoon we drove to the city park and saw the zoo, with just a few animals, and saw the waterfall that Redwood Falls got its name from- (I assume it is anyway). It started raining so our time in the park was limited. We then drove to Jackpot Junction Casino. This was the first time for both Jason & I to go into a casino- so we weren't real big spenders. After playing the nickel slot machine for a while...losing two dollars...I asked Jason if he wanted to play and then gave him a dollar. Within 15 minutes he won twenty dollars and quit. I tried to claim the money, but no such luck- he just told me know he had some money to get me a really good birthday present! I wish I would have realized the Escape for our anniversay was my gift for all holidays for the next 2 or 3 years! After the casino we went back to our apartment to hang out. We had a great visit and are glad they made the drive up to visit us- Thanks Ed, Lola, Tony, & Beth!

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