Saturday, November 1, 2008

Mizzou Homecoming!

Last weekend we traveled back to Missouri for Homecoming. We were very excited to get back and to be able to see the Tigers play in Columbia! A big reason we traveled back for Homecoming was for Kyle as he was selected for the Homecoming Steering Committee. Thankfully Jason & I were able to leave work a little early and get on the road a little after 5:00. We arrived at my mom & dad's house at 1:30 and had to do some laundry because Jason had no clean jeans. Sadly, this probably doesn't surprise many of you since Jason & I always seem to be running late and disorganized!

Anyway, with clean jeans and a few hours of sleep we left for Columbia the next morning at 6:00am for the big parade. It was actually my first time to go to the Homecoming parade. We had a good time watching it with Travis, Jessi, Andi, TJ, & Stephanie. Kyle found us after the parade and then we met up with mom & dad at Lonestar (Kyle got to choose-since it was his big day) for a great lunch! Game time was a few hours away, but luckily with all the activities that got to attend mom & dad had a room at the Stoney Creek Inn and we all headed there to hang out for a few hours. After the kids (and Jason & dad) napping a little we headed back to campus. We got to see the Eckler clan at their tailgate as they were cleaning up and to see a few people at the CAFNR Alumni tailgate before we headed into the game. It wasn't a very exciting game, but it was nice to see the Tigers win!

After the game we headed to Shelbina, to Jason's mom & dad's house, where we got to see everyone Sunday for lunch and hang out with them before heading back to Minnesota Sunday afternoon. It was good to see everyone and spend a weekend in Missouri. We are already counting the days until Thanksgiving!

Jason & TJ at the paradeJason & I before the game mom & dad before the game Mom, Dad, TJ, & Andi excited for the game Kyle & Stephanie Jason & I at the beginning of the game Kyle, Mom & Dad watching the game (or rather posing for a picture during the game)


Jessi said...

Gina- you got some GREAT pictures!! Still don't envy you for all that driving and lack of sleep but we LOVED seeing you guys!

p.s. Hooray for the new background and updates :)

Megan said...

Your pictures from Homecoming are really nice. Looking forward to seeing you at Thanksgiving!