Sunday, January 23, 2011

Welcome Brody Kyle Belt

The Belt family welcomed a beautiful baby boy, Brody Kyle, on January 6th!  Jason had a meeting in Hannibal so we dropped him off and headed to Columbia so we could be there to welcome Baby #4 on his or her birthday.  After a trip to the mall, lunch at McDonalds and naps in the parking lot we were super excited to find out "It's a boy!"  
Baby Brody

so precious

The older Belt kids stayed at mom & dad's so we got to hang out with them the next day. 
Kale loved watching tv with Andi

Grandma Mari with the three big boys...I'm not sure she has room for the other two

snack time :)

all 4 Belt kiddos

the happy {crazy} family of 6 :)

Coop & Kale hanging out at the hospital

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