Monday, January 17, 2011

Christmas Day

We had a great time in Middletown for Christmas this year, like always, with tons of food, lots of family and a little cash :)

trying to capture a picture of Grandma's tree with all the presents underneath

waiting to eat, well everyone except Callie & Aaron anyway...jk -it was snack time before lunch :)

the dining room crowd, playing spoons

the living room crowd

I was trying to get pictures of everyone by taking one of each of the you notice the girl in every picture...that's right, little diva Kelly :)

I think all the presents are here now

opening presents, only you can't see how loud it is :)
Kale thought he was big stuff hanging out at the table with Grandpa Tainter

He climbed right back up there after we were done eating and loved playing with the flashlight
opening presents
Kyle scratching off his lottery ticket

Jason...the big winner in our family won $3!!

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