Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Day 2012

Easter morning we headed to Middletown for the big Eckler Easter at Papa Tom & Grandma Barb's where the kids got to hunt LOTS of eggs, ride the horses, play outside and eat too much candy!  Then we headed back to Shelbyville for Easter at mom & dad's where we had another egg hunt, ate even more food & candy and got to play outside some more.  It was a good, fun-filled day and the boys slept good that night! :)
 the boys all ready for church
family picture at grandma's house (thanks Jessi!)
 Kale riding Blue
 Kale asked that night if we could go back to Papa Tom's to ride Blue some more
 Papa Tom rode with Kale for a little after he almost got bucked off :)
 Eckler cousins
 one little monkey
 two little monkeys
 three monkeys!
 and finally all 6 little monkeys! 
 hunting eggs
 can you tell Lane loves bikes or basically anything he can climb on & "drive"
checking out his candy

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