Thursday, November 17, 2011

October recap

October is one of my favorite months.  I love fall weather, football, my birthday and the leaves changing colors!  This year fall has been even better because Jason's work schedule isn't even close to being as crazy as in the past, we are back in Missouri so our driving time is cut way down and we are able to fit more things in!
One day after the boys got up from their afternoon nap I walked into the living room to see Kale had taken the scarecrow to the front door so he could see what was going on

 riding in the combine with Uncle John
Kale loved it and got to ask lots of questions, incuding his favorite - "why?"

My birthday fell on the Friday of Mizzou Homecoming so we celebrated with Buffalo Wild Wings & house decs Friday night and headed back to Columbia early Saturday morning for the parade & game!
 Kyle & Steph with all their nephews & niece 

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