Friday, September 2, 2011

Just a Playin'

The past few weeks we have been enjoying our slow time and just hanging out playing at home.  Yesterday was super hot so we stayed inside most of the day and I finally got my camera out and took a few pictures.  For the most part the boys play really well together...except Kale doesn't like having to share everything all the time and wouldn't you know it, he always has the toy that Lane thinks he needs!  Lane has turned into a daddy's boy and crawls as fast as he can to Jason as soon as he sees him.  He might be worse than Kale! 
 playing with the race track
 our happy baby
the big kid :)

 "NO, Robbie!!"  It seems like I hear that A LOT!

Since we were stuck inside I opened the door so the boys could look much easier

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