Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July weekend

Our weekend was loaded with fun and fireworks!  We started with a wedding reception Saturday night, church & a rodeo on Sunday, and a swim party/BBQ followed by fireworks on Monday.  We also found time to walk lambs Monday morning.  This has been our best fourth of July yet because after seeing the fireworks we got to go home to our own house!  I am so thankful we are back in MO :)
 pre Rodeo picture
 the boys waiting for it to start
 Kale loved it
 playing in the pool...Kale wasn't too crazy about not being able to touch
 Lane chillin in the shade
 the 3 "big" boys had to take a gator ride
 Laner loved the water!
 getting ready for fireworks
 Jason helping Kale with his sparkler
 throwing poppers...Cooper & Kale loved these...they would throw them down and then step/jump on them!
the morning after...we all survived!

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