Saturday, February 26, 2011

February Fun

Here are some pictures from random times in February.
We had our own SuperBowl party (just the 4 of us) and ate nachos & pizza while watching the game.  Kale was excited and Lane wide eyed...not so sure about the excited part though.

One day I got the jumperoo out for Lane, but I think Kale was more excited to see it.  He likes to help Lane "jump" and plays the music for him.
the first day he tried to climb in with Lane
 when I came back from putting Lane down for his nap he was actually in it!

Kale & Lane both love to take baths!
crazy bath hair...they both needed hair cuts then

We were having problems with our dishwasher.  After two visits from the dishwasher repairman and our in-house repairman we finally got it working again. 
I wish I would have waited to take pictures because soon after I put my camera back Kale got out his drill and safety glasses too!  What a dork :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Kale & Lane V-day 2011

making valentine cookies
Kale loves licking the beaters

and Lane's present was his first taste of cereal that night
and he loved it

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Birthdays & Baby Lambs

One weekend in February we got together to celebrate Jessi's birthday (and Kyle's & Jason's) at mom & dad's. 
After lunch & cake we all went out to see the lambs
the "middle" boys (Cooper & Kale) didn't want to wait
the four big kids with one of Dusty's lambs
all 6 grandkids
After posing for some pictures it was time to play
after climbing in the big pen
they chased/tried to catch the lambs
and then practiced showing
Andi & Kale headed to the haybarn to see the older lambs

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Fruit Loops, Spaghetti & Marshmallows

During the long days of February we tried to keep busy inside.  Here is a fun project (I stole from another blogger) Kale did/ate one day :)

Fruit Loops stacked on a spaghetti noodle standing in a big marshmallow.  Kale did a little stack while I did a taller one, but when I left him with his next marshmallow and spaghetti and went to get the camera I found this...
Kale eating the marshmallow!

After some redirection :) he started stacking the Fruit Loops again
and then began breaking his noodle and putting random little marshmallows and Fruit Loops everywhere
breaking the spaghetti into smaller pieces (they must have been really tough)
finally getting to eat his big marshmallow :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


The Blizzard of 2011 did not hit us as hard as it hit NE MO, but we still got quite a bit of snow.  

Here are some pictures of our deck throughout the day... 
It snowed enough that Jason got to come home early and his work was closed the next day!
Daisy's can see the top corner of her doghouse in the snowdrift

Lane was not impressed
we went outside for a little while to play in the snow
but didn't last long because it was cold so we played in the garage for a while
Kale was wound up that night and was making faces at the camera :)