Thursday, May 27, 2010

Kyle's Graduation

Kyle graduated college!!! We had an exciting {long} day in Columbia for Kyle's graduation. Honors Graduation {way to go Kyle} was at 9am so we left home at 5am. After Honors Graduation the whole Eckler family had lunch at Flat Branch {yum!}. After hanging out at the mall & a nap in Bass Pro's parking lot, we headed back to the Hearnes Center and met up with the rest of the fam for the College of Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources graduation. After a few pictures and a little time at the reception we all headed to Lone Star! Even though we didn't leave Columbia until after 11pm we had a great day! Congratulations Kyle- we are so proud of you!! And we can't wait to visit you in Wisconsin :) the graduate {He's all grown up}
the last child to graduate :)
Kyle with the Pollard Family...Kale did good, but his socks and shoes did not last very long!
Uncle Kyle & Kale
Kyle with his big sisters
The "Eckler" family

1 comment:

Megan said...

Yay, Kyle!!! I still love the naps in Bass Pro...that's great! And, super cute dress Steph!