Sunday, March 21, 2010


It has been a long time since anything got posted on here so a general update from the Pollard family. Since the last update (the end of February) we have had some exciting times. We have made two trips to the Emergency Room for Kale. He was having trouble breathing, but after breathing treatments and some antibiotics for his ear infections he is doing better. Hopefully the newest antibiotic (the third one for the same ear infection) will finally clear that up and he will be all better! You would never know that he doesn't feel good though because he is always playing hard so anytime he quits eating or playing we know something is up.

Jason went back to MO for Justin's Surprise 30th Birthday Party. I hear there was great food and fun! Kale & I stayed home to recover from stomach flu (me) and the first ER trip (Kale). I don't have any pictures though- I forgot to send the camera with Jason. Megan has some great pics on her blog though. Ed & Lola came over to visit for an afternoon (post below).

We went back to Missouri last weekend. We watched Chelsey's 6th grade basketball game, spent the afternoon with the Pollard family (we missed you Megan & Chase) in Shelbina, had Sunday lunch with my mom, dad, & the Belts (minus Jessi) and then went to a baby shower for my aunt! I don't have any pictures from that weekend either though. Not only did I forget my camera at home I forgot the baby shower gift. I remembered about 2 hours into the drive back and Jason said we weren't turning around :).

This last week the weather was nice enough we were able to go outside for a while. We are all excited for the nice weather to get here to stay so we can spend more time outside! This weekend we had rain and it is cooler so hopefully it will warm back up this week and maybe I will have some pictures to post soon!

1 comment:

Tanya said...

Sorry to hear that Kale has been sick. It's tough when they are that little!