Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Jason & I had a good weekend back in Missouri visiting everyone this past weekend. We actually had an extended stay since Jason was in St. Louis for meetings during the week. I drove back early and got to hang out with the Belts on Thursday night and Friday morning before heading to Shelby County. We got to watch a very exciting Jr. High basketball game in Monroe City, spend time with most all of our family, and even watch the sheep one night because mom & dad had a banquet in Columbia. They didn’t get home until after 12:30 and I had forgotten how much fun it is to work with baby lambs all throughout the night (a little bit of sarcasm- we had a set of twins that were not real smart)! We are hoping next time we are back we will get to see Kyle. He was in Columbia all weekend celebrating his birthday and we didn’t make it down there to see him - sorry little brother!

Our drive back was good and we actually made it back Sunday night before 10:00 so it hasn’t been bad getting back in the swing of things. It got up to 45 this weekend so some of the snow has melted. Today has been single digits- low teens, but it is supposed to warm up Thursday and maybe even be in the 30s all the way until Sunday! I miss the warmer weather we got while visiting MO!

Baby Update – I am 20 weeks today- halfway done! We go for my ultrasound on Thursday and back to the doctor next week. We aren’t finding out what sex the baby is so no boy or girl announcement until we have him or her.

Hope everyone is having a good winter- since we are in for 6 more weeks of it!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I can't believe you are 20 weeks and 1/2 way through since you just told us! Enjoy these days together now because then you don't realize what you ever talked about! Let us know the next time you are home...not that we will be! HA!