Friday, June 27, 2008

We made it...

Tuesday afternoon the movers got everything loaded and we finally left Ashley that evening around 5:30. We stopped in Shelbina for the night and left for Redwood at 4:00 Wednesday morning. We arrived in town about 12:30 that afternoon and found our new home- a one bedroom apartment downtown. The first apartment we looked at was pretty much a dump, luckily the lady had another one to show us and that is where some of our things are right now. Most of our belongings are in storage right now...just so we had a chance to make sure we had a place to live before it all arrived! The past couple of days we have been doing all the fun things you get to when you move- finding a bank, getting insurance, cable, new cell phones, and new licenses! I start work on Monday, but won't be there too long before I head to Iowa City for a meeting and then Jason & I will be back in Missouri for the 4th of July weekend! We have a few pictures of our apartment. Once we get things moved in I might take some more. Right now we have an air mattress, card table & chairs, and no dressers so our clothes are staying in the boxes they were brought in! The rest of our things are supposed to be delivered July 8th so we won't be living like this too long!
One last look at our old house
Driving to MN Luckily I just had to ride the whole 8 hours!
Finally made it to MN
Still driving- real safe, huh?
Redwood Falls- our new home!!!
Our apartment is right inside the door at the top of the stairs- this picture is from the back parking lot.
Our red door- I told Jason I had always wanted a red door and he said he could have painted one for me, we didn't have to move to MN for one
The living room as you open our door
The kitchen and doorway to the bedroom
The bedroom
The other side of the bedroom- 2 closets!
Our first supper in our new apartment before any of our things had been delivered. Any guesses on our first meal? Duh- tacos!
Our living room full of boxes
Our bedroom & bathroom with a few boxes
Unpacking- I made a mess and Jason kept trying to contain it to the area of the living room

Monday, June 23, 2008

Minnesota Bound

Friday was the last day of work for both Jason & me. My coworkers brought in food for my last day. It was tough to leave this group of people that I have come to know as my friends. Jason ended up taking a vacation day and going fishing with one of his buddies. They got back to the house in time to man our garage sale and were fairly successful. That night a couple of our friends came over and we barbequed and stayed up late playing cards. We got up early and I covered the garage sale and made a whopping 20 cents! Jason told me I was bad luck. I think that may be my last garage sale!
After closing up shop we loaded the Escape with Jason's turkey and a few other things that we took back to his mom & dad's on our way to a wedding reception in Columbia. The reception was beautiful and we were very excited to learn the bride & groom now live in MN, not to far where we are moving!
Sunday our group of friends from church took us out to eat at Applebee's in Mount Vernon. Another tough group of people to leave- I think Jason already invited the guys up to go hunting and I let the girls know we weren't going to be too far from the Mall of America! We were very fortunate to find such a welcoming church in Nashville and such a great group of friends!
Today the movers are here boxing everything up and they are on schedule to load everything tomorrow and head out. We have a few things to take care of over here still, but should be ready to leave tomorrow afternoon too. Our things are supposed to be delivered Wednesday afternoon or Thursday morning depending on how quick tomorrow goes.
I'm not really sure how soon we will get the internet at our apartment so it may be a while before my next update. Here are a few moving pictures from today.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Busy Weekend

Last week I was in St. Louis on Wednesday & Thursday for meetings and was heading back to northeast MO for the weekend. Instead of taking two vehicles back Jason took off work on Thursday and rode the Metro to St Louis. He had never been on it before and I don't think he will ever get on it again. After many stops he finally made it to the airport where I picked him up. We finally made it to Shelbyville after making stops in Columbia and Kirksville!
Friday afternoon I headed to Monroe City to help decorate for one of my best friend's wedding. That evening before rehearsal Jason & I went to my Uncle Heath & Aunt Katie's house to see them and their boys. After rehearsal we went out for one last time with the bride as a "single" woman. We were back at the house pretty early and let the bride-to-be go to bed as a couple of the bridesmaids and I stayed up well into the morning...luckily we didn't have to be up early the next morning.
Mariah & Austin had a beautiful wedding and I am so upset I didn't get any picture, but at this point I was pretty sure I had left my camera at my mom & dad's. After a good time at the reception we headed to my aunt & uncle's house where we spent the night and headed to Macon the next morning for a baptism & birthday party.
Our nephew Rhett Hunter Pollard was baptized at church that morning and then we headed back to the Pollard's house to celebrate Rhett's big sister's birthday. Allison turned 3 earlier this month and we are glad we were able to be a part of her celebration. It was on the way to church that I realized I stored my camera in my console for safe keeping! I got a few pictures of the birthday party.
Allison had a princess party and her first gift was a princess dress Megan's mom made for her.
The princess with her cake that her mom made. Doesn't it look great?

I was supposed to have training in Iowa City on Tuesday so Jason & I were going to head up there on Monday and he was going to use the last of his vacation days, but it was cancelled due to the flooding. I was already scheduled to be off work Monday and Jason had a vacation day planned so we ended up staying Shelby County one more night and drove back Monday morning/afternoon. After a nice fun-filled weekend we pulled in our driveway to this! There was a wind storm Sunday night and it blew part of our pool, deck and all, over! It is pretty crazy because we don't have any limbs down in our yard and nothing else has any damage.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

GiRl'S nIgHt OuT!

Friday night the girls from work took me out, sort of as a going away party. We had a blast dancing the night away, at least Stacy & I did, and then we headed to Pam's mom's house to stay the night. I am going to miss these girls so much- it is so hard to believe it was only a little over a year ago that we met!