Sunday, April 25, 2010

MO Turkey

Rain is a good thing... It rained enough Thursday night/Friday morning that Jason was able to take some time off work and head back to Missouri for some turkey hunting. He didn't get back very early on Friday so didn't get to hunt much, but he had all day Saturday. But thankfully he didn't need it. He got a turkey right away and after showing it off a bit he headed home. Kale & I were both excited to see him! We took some pictures of Jason & Kale with his turkey when he got home and have spent the rest of the weekend just hanging out. It looks like we will have more time to hang out at night this week too since it rained yesterday & today!
Jason with his turkey back in MO
Jason & Kale
Another picture of daddy & Kale
getting a little closer to check it out

Jason drove through rain most of the way back, the turkey was pretty wet and it was still raining at home so Kale didn't get to stay outside very long. Not that we typically let him play with dead animals :)


Jessi said...

Rain is a good thing or so I thought on Friday its just a good song lol!

Great pics of your boys and the turkey! I totally forgot about posting pics of the turkey..

Enjoy Jason while he is home :)

Megan said...

There's nothing wrong with playing with dead animals as long as the kids are under adult supervision, right?!

Great pictures! :)