Kale Alan was born June 20th at 8:27pm. He weighed 7lbs 6ozs and was 21 inches long. Eventually I will post more details about his entry into the world, but this morning I just wanted to get some pictures up and wish Jason a Happy First Father's Day. We are both super excited to welcome the little guy into our (now) family of 3 and can't wait to get to know him. Since we were all pretty tired last night after he finally arrived and both the boys are sleeping soundly right now we haven't had a lot of time hanging out, yet!
Jason hasn't ever really been big on holding newborns and told me he didn't know if he would be able to hold the baby right away, but it definitely has not been a problem for him!
Daddy's first picture with Baby KaleFirst family picture Daddy admiring KaleJason holding Kale...we ordered room service and after I finished eating I told Jason I would hold Kale so he could eat, but I was told "He's my boy, I'll hold him" They definitely got in some good Daddy/son time
Playing with Kale under the warmer
Here is a close up of just Baby Kale- isn't he a cutie?!?
Not real happy about Daddy leaving him...getting ready for his bath
After his bath- lots of hair. The nurse tried to give him a mohawk, but it didn't stay that way.
This is what I found when I got out of the shower...Kale in the baby bed pulled over next to Jason on the couch (as close as it can get) and both boys sound asleep- how sweet!
I know Jason will be an awesome dad and I'm glad that we had the baby in time for Jason to be a dad on Father's Day! When we first found out our due date and realized how close it was to Father's Day, Jason said he thought it would be pretty cool if we had him then. Thank goodness the little guy arrived a few hours before the actual day- this way they get to spend all day together on Father's Day.
Congrats to both of you!!! He is so darn cute with all that hair! Hope Jason has a wonderful Father's Day..it will be one he will always remember! Get some rest!!!
LOVE all the pictures! Hope you guys had a great Father's Day!!
Congrats! It was super cool that Kale made it here for Father's Day. What a great gift! We enjoyed our day and hope you did, too! :) Hope all 3 of you get some much needed rest tonight!
This is the best Father's Day post!!! It brought tears to my eyes! Kale is sooo cute, and he has tons of hair!!!!
Gina! It is so great to see that Kale is actually here! He is a doll! My kids and I have enjoyed looking at the Facebook and blog entries this morning!
Gina - It's your old roommate Jaime Steiner (now Palmer). I wanted to tell you congratulations on the beautiful new addition! So excited for you!
Congratulations Gina and Jason!! He is adorable!!
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