Saturday, March 21, 2009

New Picture

Here is a new picture for Jessi, Kaylee, & anyone else who has been waiting for an updated one.

March 21- 3 months & 2 days until due date

Everything is going great with the pregnancy still! We registered last weekend- it took us a while since neither of us had any idea when we first started what we really needed- not that we know everything now! We will definitely be looking to the "experienced" moms for some advice when our little one arrives. It was a lot of fun to look at baby things, but also a little scary since we will actually be using those things in a few months!

In other news- work is picking up for both of us and I acutally have a pretty crazy week coming up with lots of travel. Tomorrow I am heading to Iowa for a meeting on Monday, I have a meeting here in MN Tuesday and will leave straight from that meeting and head to Illinois for an ISO Audit and a Safety Exchange (2 different sites). I will get home Thursday night and Friday we are leaving for Missouri after our doctor appointment that morning! Hopefully we will have a relaxing weekend in MO while visiting everyone and I'm really hoping for some good weather while we are there!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

20 degrees = warm ?!?!?

This week I went to Illinois for a meeting and to tour a couple of other Monsanto sites. Sunday morning Jason & I headed to the cities to do some shopping before he dropped me off at the airport. We got to eat lunch at Chili's!!! And after a few unsuccessful stops I was able to find a couple of new shirts- yes, my old ones are getting a little snug :) I flew into St. Louis that afternoon and headed to Centralia to stay with a friend I used to work with. She invited some others from work over and we had pizza that night. Monday I went to where I used to work and got to visit my old boss and coworkers before heading to Mason City.

After a good meeting on Tuesday I headed back to St. Louis for my flight home. I arrived in St. Louis to 78 degree weather, but knew that was not the weather that awaited me back in Minneapolis. The freezing rain had started the night before and it was snowing pretty good by Tuesday afternoon. Jason left work early to make sure he made it to the airport in time to pick me up. After a slight delay we finally boarded the plane and sat for 30 minutes before finding out there was a ground stop in Minneapolis and they weren't letting any planes come in for an hour. Great news- especially since Jason was already sitting at the airport waiting for me! Half an hour later we reboarded and finally left for Minneapolis. My flight landed and we left the airport around 10:30. The snow had stopped, but the roads were not good so we decided just to find a hotel and drive back the next morning. My boss had emailed me earlier in the day and suggested if I did make it to the cities not to make the drive back because of the weather so I didn't feel so bad extending my business trip one more night. The next morning we headed home...the roads were decent, but the 2nd half of the trip was not great so we were glad we waited.

Since the weather was nice on Sunday and I don't check the weather I only had a light jacket when I got back to the freezing temperatures and snow in MN! I think from now on I will leave a heavy coat in both vehicles...just in case! Today the sun was out and it was actually a really nice day- the temperature even got above 20. We are looking forward to the 40s and maybe even 50s this weekend! That seems crazy since spring is only a week away.

Today was a catch up day at work- trying to get back on track after being gone the first part of the week. Nothing big going on for us this weekend- we will probably just be bumming around home. Though that isn't a bad thing after our semi-eventuful week. My feet & ankles will be glad to be propped up for a while. That is how most every night is spent at our house now with as many pillows as I can fit under my ankles while icing them down. I thought your ankles swelled when you were 8+ months pregnant and it was summer time! Oh well- I can't complain, everything else has been going great.

Yay for the Big XII tourney being on ESPN2, now if the Tigers can just win tonight!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ice Fishing Round 2

Yay, for above freezing temperatures! Some of our snow melted today and we are supposed to have nice weather the rest of this week.

Last Friday night we went ice fishing with some friends from my work. We headed out around 7 and only caught a few fish, but we still had a great time.

Jason's first fish caught- not a keeper. I (with Jim's help) actually caught one before he did and we kept it...only because he had swallowed the hook.
Jason's baby fish- can you even see it?!? Here it is from the side so you can see the size a little better...and no we didn't keep this one either

We had to make a stop on the way home, a real quick one, and didn’t end up getting home until after 1!

I haven’t stayed up that late in a while and thankfully got to sleep in the next morning. I am enjoying that while I still can! Saturday we headed to New Ulm to get some much needed groceries and got there right in time to eat at Applebee’s. It is kind of our new Chili’s since we don’t have one of those nearby!

Sunday we went to a fish fry and the girls all played a game called “Partini” in the heated garage. It was a pretty cool game and we played several rounds. The guys were hanging out downstairs playing pool and looking at Jason’s hunting pictures that he took along. There was tons of food, the fish was amazing, and they even had some crawfish. I passed on them, but Jason tried them. I’m not sure he was super crazy about them though.

Not much has been going on this week, besides work and watching the final episodes of The Bachelor. Yes, we got hooked on the show this year. I had never watched it before, but I think we rarely missed an episode this season. What else do we have to on a Monday night? Tonight we are watching the Mizzou/OU game on ESPN with 30 second updates. Not the greatest, but the best we can do. Hopefully it turns out as good as it is looking right now!