Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bittersweet Weekend

This past weekend we made a quick trip back to MO to help take down deer stands from the land Jason & Justin have hunted since they started. It was a sad weekend because Justin, Jason, Megan, & I all harvested our first deer on this property and Jason & Justin won't be able to hunt there anymore. We drove back Friday night and finally arrived in Shelby County after 1:30. We headed out Saturday morning to the woods and met Justin, Megan, and Jason's cousin Billy Joe to take down the stands in the rain!

Out in the woods- it didn't rain the whole time, but it did the majority of it. I learned rain does not stop the bugs! Jason taking down the buddy stand- where I fired my first hundred shots and finally killed my first deer in the fall of '05. Looking back into the woods as we left the farm.

Luckily, the weekend wasn't all so sad. We got back to Jason's house with enough time to hang out with his mom, dad, Justin, Megan, Allison, & Rhett. Billy Joe and a friend of Jason's showed up later that night and the boys played playstation well into the night.

Back at Jason's mom & dad's- Rhett was all smiles! Jason & Rhett hanging out on the floor. Allison giving Jason bunny ears Justin just being himself After taking a few pictures I turned the camera over to Allison who turned out to be quite the photographer. She took this picture with about 100 others including canned food in the cabinet and the loaded dishwasher!

Sunday morning after breakfast we headed to my mom & dad's. Thankfully, Jessi & Travis were able to make plans to eat lunch with us at mom & dad's so we could see them and Andi & TJ. After a few hours of visiting with them and some great homemade pie we headed back to MN.

Andi showig me how to "flip"- yes I even did one myself. Andi's pose when I told her I was going to take a picture. When I said "say cheese" she told me "I not say cheese" so we got a serious look! We took a break from flipping to take a picture together. TJ smiling & crawling everywhere!

When we left my mom & dad's we had to detour as some roads were closed due to water over them. Here is a picture of a bean field under water near the road. For those of you who don't know where 6 & 15 meet we were south of Edina.

We had a great weekend even though we spent quite a few hours on the road and the reason for the trip wasn't ideal.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

State Fair & Labor Day

I know I have really been slacking in the blog department! Jason & I were back for a week in August for the MO State Fair. I didn't take any pictures, but I stole some from Jessi so here are a couple of pictures from our time at State Fair.
Jason enjoying tacos- Saturday was our day to cook and that is what we had for supper. I do know how to make other things. I just really like tacos! Eating ice cream in the Dairy Barn Andi & June practicing for leadline TJ happy as always

Over Labor Day we were back for another 4 or 5 days and again I failed to take pictures. We had a great time over Labor Day weekend and are glad we got to see and visit with everyone!

I had training in Illinois a couple days before the long weekend and headed back to my mom & dad's Thursday night. Jessi & the kids stayed there so I got to hang out with Andi, TJ, & Jessi all day Friday and Kyle showed up Friday night in time to watch us get Sunshine ready for leadline the next day.

Jason was able to catch a ride back to MO with our friends who live an hour away in Minnesota and arrived in Bethel Saturday morning in time for Sheep Fest. After spending the day in Bethel we headed back to mom & dad's to watch MIZZOU play with Jessi, Andi, TJ, Kyle, and Stephanie. Go Tigers!

Sunday Jason headed to the woods to work on food plots and hand deer stands with his brother and I worked at the sale in Bethel. That night we had a weenie roast at Jason's parents house and got to visit with most of his family. It was a little warm, but I am so glad we got to sit around the fire outside since we don't get a chance to do it here.

Monday morning we headed back to Bethel for a few more hours of fun at Sheep Fest. That afternoon we began our trek back to Redwood Falls. Since we didn't stop to get the car we got to travel to St. James on Wednesday night and barbequed with Nicki & Shannon at their house. They live about an hour away, but it was worth the drive for Shannon's burgers!

We officially opened our cleaning business this Friday night! Jason calls it Pollard's Cleaning LLC. We are cleaning my office building at work once a week- indefinitely. Our first night of cleaning took quite a while, but once we get a routine done I think it will go a lot faster- I hope so anyway. Saturday we headed to New Ulm for one of my new favorite things- grocery shopping. We hadn't been for 3 or 4 weeks so we were in desperate need of food and it took us awhile to accomplish that task. On the way home it started raining and of course we have a flight of stairs to climb to a locked door before we get inside our apartment building. We loaded up with groceries and ran for the stairs, but Jason forgot that he needed to get his keys out of his pocket and couldn't do that with his hands full of groceries. After fumbling around to get the door unlocked we finally got inside- thank goodness we had sat in the car and waited for the rain to slow or we would have been soaked!