Monday, July 30, 2012


The boys are busy as ever and July was a fun month for us.  We moved to our new house, Kayla came for a visit, had Kale's bday party, got to work with sheep, started fair season, had Bible School, and the Belt kids got to spend the night
Lane & Kale love "riding the bull" and Kale loves to buck Lane off  :)
The Belt kids came over late one night and spent the was right at bedtime, but they got to play the next morning
the big kids stacked the buckets up to make a tower and the little boys took turns knocking it over and sqealing :)
The boys have hats they love to play with including their "racing hats" {aka strainers}
Lane is getting so big and, not surprisingly, is in to everything!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

phone pictures

I recently put all my pictures from my phone on my computer and found some cute ones to share....they are older ones, but still good

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Kale's birthday party

Kale with his cake
Opening presents with lots of cousins & little friends watching :)
Kale got lots of great of his favorites were the ring pops!
and another one we play with most every day we are home...his new basketball goal!
Thanks to everyone who came and celebrated with us :)

Sunday, July 8, 2012

St. Louis trip

We got up bright & early Sunday morning to head to the zoo.  The original plan was to meet Grandma Mari & Papa Harold at the zoo at opening to enjoy the free stuff during the first hour and have plenty of time before meeting the rest of the gang at the ballpark for a Cardinals game .  We overslept an hour and rushed out the door hoping we would enough time at the zoo before heading the 1:15 game.  On our way I remembered I didn't load the stroller the night before so we would either be renting one or testing our boys by letting them walk!  Annoying, but not a huge deal.  It didn't take as long to get there as we thought so we actually ended up parking (the first time) before mom & dad.  As Jason started changing the boys out of their pjs I realized I hadn't brought any shoes for them.  Of course I had cleaned out the car the night before so they didn't even have their dirty play shoes that are typically in there.  This was a huge deal so we loaded back up, found a Target, tried on shoes, bought shoes and drove back to the zoo.  We still had time to see all the animals on Kale's list (except the opossums!)  He couldn't understand why they didn't have any there :)

 We decided to let the boys walk/run/be carried while we were at the zoo.  I think the only thing Lane said all morning was "Papa" so guess who carried him most of the time!
 Of course we had to take a picture with the gorilla
 Lane tried to get in the picture with the next family too

After the zoo we ate lunch (McDonalds) on the way to the ballpark.  After parking, walking to the stadium, and finding our seats we met up with the Belts, and Kyle & Stephanie.  When we first sat down I wasn't sure how we would make it through the whole game, but the boys settled down and we had lots of open seats around us so they could walk in the rows some and didn't have to stay on our laps the whole time.  The Cards came back to win it in the 9th!  Thank goodness we stayed :)

Did I mention it was over 100 that day?!?!
Ready for the game to start....this is right after we sat down and no we didn't pour water on them, that is sweat. 
mom, dad, the 6 grandkids after the game 
 Pollard family
crazy picture (I love TJ's crazy pose!)