Wednesday, November 30, 2011


 Kale was up sick the night before Halloween all night and still not able to eat the next day so we decided to stay home that night and try trick-or-treating later in the week.  We went a couple of nights later after Kale was better (or so we thought).  After Kale being sick for about a week and thinking how lucky we were that Lane didn't get it our luck changed and he got it.  Thank goodness we got some trick-or-treating in before that happened because it ended up being about a two week ordeal!

The cutest homeless boys I've ever seen :)  Kale thought it was funny that he was wearing makeup! 

 Lane's beard didn't last long
 We only made it to 4 houses, but got lots of goodies.
 Kale loved it...hopefully we are all healthy and able to hit more houses on Halloween night next year
two big smiles and I think the other two had candy in their mouth :)

Lane turns 1

Wow!  Where did the past year go?  Our baby Laner turned one, has started walking, and is ornery (more so than Kale ever was!).  We love him and I'm not sure what we ever did without him!  Kale & Lane get along for the most part and Kale was excited for all the new toys Lane got for them to play with :) 

 Lane on his actual birthday

We had a party for some family & friends to help us celebrate.  Of course we had a great cake (made by Kayla) and some ice cream!

 not so sure about this...
but after a litte help & encouragement he dug in

 getting some help opening gifts
 the birthday boy playing

Hayride & Weiner Roast

One weekend this fall we had some friends over for a hayride & weiner roast.  The weather cooperated and we had a great night!

 Kylee, Kale, & Jack
 Tim & Jessica brought pumpkins over for the kids to paint & decorate with stickers
 of course they had a little bit of help 

 Lane just chillin'
 even the "big kids" got in on the pumpkin decorating
 getting ready for the hayride

 all loaded up and ready to go! 
 havin' fun
 all the kiddos after the hayride
 emjoying some hotdogs
most of the kids with their pumpkin(s)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

October recap

October is one of my favorite months.  I love fall weather, football, my birthday and the leaves changing colors!  This year fall has been even better because Jason's work schedule isn't even close to being as crazy as in the past, we are back in Missouri so our driving time is cut way down and we are able to fit more things in!
One day after the boys got up from their afternoon nap I walked into the living room to see Kale had taken the scarecrow to the front door so he could see what was going on

 riding in the combine with Uncle John
Kale loved it and got to ask lots of questions, incuding his favorite - "why?"

My birthday fell on the Friday of Mizzou Homecoming so we celebrated with Buffalo Wild Wings & house decs Friday night and headed back to Columbia early Saturday morning for the parade & game!
 Kyle & Steph with all their nephews & niece 

Totten's Pumpkin Patch

We had our annual trip to the pumpkin patch with the Pollard famiy in early October this year.  Kale really liked getting to feed the deer and picking out his pumpkin and absolutely loved the straw tunnel.  He was still going through it when we were loading Lane into the car to head back to Shelbina! 

 can you tell they are brothers?!?

 we defnitely have some work to do to get good pictures with both boys! 

the Pollard grandkids (minus Chase)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

September Fun

Some candid shots from September...enjoy!
 Lane is quite the cheeser
 taking a water break from the footbal game

 the Pollard boys
 after our football game that afternoon we all went for a little 4-wheeler ride
  and then Kale had to play in the rocks :)
  a lot of days the boys watch out the door especially if Randy is grinding feed
 Kale loves tractors and will have any figurine or toy "guy" be the driver
 what a happy baby
we made a trip to Lolli's during the exotic animal sale
 Jason with Kylee & Baby Keagan

 the boys eating popcorn & watching football
it must have been a good play