Wow- what a cRaZy {great} DaY we had Wednesday! It all started with my 39 week check-up yesterday afternoon at 1:30pm. My blood pressure was elevated {the same way it was at my 39 week check-up with Kale} and my dr wanted to monitor me for a while. After about an hour of being hooked up to a monitor at the dr office I was sent to the hospital for a couple more hours of monitoring because of my blood pressure and I had started having contractions. At 7:30pm they told us my blood work came back fine, my blood pressure had gone down, and I hadn't progressed so I was free to go home. We got discharged, gathered our things up and headed to the parking garage around 8:30pm. We headed home, but didn't make it out of Springfield before turning around and heading back to the hospital because the contractions had gotten worse {terrible!} After getting readmitted and the longest elevator ride up to the 3rd floor we went right back into the room we had left. The nurse told us we got into the room at 9:19 and at 9:38 Mr. Lane Robert Pollard was born! It was fast- so fast I can brag I gave birth without an epidural- though I would never even try to give the impression that was by choice!! He weighed 7 lbs 13 1/2 ozs and was 19 1/2 inches long. He has a head full of hair just like Kale, not quite as dark though. We think he is perfect and are so blessed & excited to add a healthy son to our family! Here are a few pictures from his first few hours in this world!