We all survived the first week of me staying at home. We definitely didn't get bored. Tuesday we headed to Springfield for a couple doctor visits. Kale had his 12 month check up and everything looked great...including his ears! He weighed 23.9 {70th percentile} and the big surprise was his height 30.75 inches {75th percentile}. The worst part of the visit wasn't the four shots, but having to have his blood drawn after. Kale hates being held down so after the lab tech tried twice on his first arm and then finally got what she needed with the second try on his other arm he was definitely screaming. Thank goodness Jason was there to hold him, I know I wouldn't have been able to on my own.
Later that afternoon we went to his ENT appointment to see about getting tubes. After waiting over an hour the resident looked at his ears declared they looked fine {which we already knew from that morning} and the dr came in and told us to call if he has any problems. What? Basically, it was an appointment so Kale can be considered a patient in case {when} he has another ear infection if it seems to be a trend we can get in sooner to see the ENT dr and talk about getting tubes then. So no plans for anything to happen in the near future.
Kale is walking everywhereand is in to everything. He loves climbing on things and is a bit of a daredevil. He likes most food, but I think his favorite is hotdogs and he loves his real milk now that he is a {big} boy.
We had our big 20 week check-up for the baby a couple of weeks ago- we had the ultrasound and the baby measured right on track and everything looked great. We did not find out if the baby is a boy or girl so we should find out sometime this fall :)
We don't have any big plans for the week- I think we will just be resting up for the 4th of July weekend! I hope it isn't too hot or worse yet rainy. Oh well, either way we will survive