Kale had his 9 month check-up today. His stats...
weight 22.13 lbs (75th percentile)
height 27.25 inches (50th percentile- I think)
His ear was looking a lot better after four days of the newest antibiotic- yay! But not so good news he has to have some bloodwork done because our zipcode is a "high risk" area for lead. Nothing to really worry about just a precaution, but definitely not a very fun one :(.
Kale is pulling up on everything and walks along the couch. He loves climbing the steps anytime he can. There are only three and he has only fallen down two so far. The bumps and bruises have started, but they haven't slowed Kale down at all! He is also eating more & more table food and still has just two teeth. I took some pictures last night after his bath right before bed. Can you tell someone was getting him wound up?!? This afternoon it was pretty warm when we got home from Springfield so we all spent some time outside :)! Kale did some swinging and played with Daisy some while Jason cleaned out the garage.
just a swingin'