This past weekend was opening weekend of gun season (for deer) in Missouri. We were not planning on driving back and Jason wasn't going to hunt in MO this year, but Friday morning we were both not doing much at work and we decided about noon that we would pack up and head back. After running around to pack everything we got on the road and actually made it back to MO at a decent time. Jason got to hunt all day Saturday, with only a 20 minute lunch break, and I got to hang out with Jessi, Andi, & TJ. We went to the soup & sandwich lunch at my mom's church and then watched Simba (The Lion King). When Jason finally got in that night we headed to his mom & dad's for supper to hang out with his mom, dad, & the rest of the family. Sunday Jason hunted until 10:30 or so when he killed his doe. After lunch he took the deer and the gun back to Shelbina and then we left for MN around 2:30. The trip back to MN always seems to take so much longer and we are usually tired so when we got back around 11:30 we both were exhausted and only partially unloaded the Escape.
I am happy to say we finally unloaded the rest of it last night- which is good because Jason will reload somethings tonight and the rest tomorrow as we are heading to Illinois for him to hunt on Friday and Saturday. I am heading back to Centralia, where I worked last year, to hang out with my old co-workers and on Saturday we are traveling back to MO. I get to stay in Missouri all next week as I took some vacation days. Jason, however, has to make the trip back to MN Sunday night so he can work Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday before making another drive back to MO Wednesday night for Thanksgiving. Poor guy- I told him if he was really tired I could ride back with him so he didn't have to drive alone, but he said he will be good. I'm glad because I'm not sure what I would do with three days off in Minnesota!!! Maybe go crazy.We hope to see everyone over Thanksgiving and I'm not sure if I will blog any more before December so HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL (and don't eat too much turkey)!!!